DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting

Community Website Incubator new release goodness

Today there is a new release of the Community Website Incubator, and lots of new features made it into this version! After your site is updated, you'll enjoy the following benefits:

Social sharing widgets

If you enable the "Social integration" module, you'll now have the web's ubiquitous social sharing buttons, including Facebook's "like" button, Twitter share, and Google +1.


If you're keen on knowing who's visiting your website, some sort of analytics service is a must-have, and you may already be using Google Analytics on your site. If not, now we've made it easy to start: just enable the "Statistics and Analytics" module, and most of the setup will be done for you.

Domain email with Zoho

If you want to receive email on your domain without running an email server, it's not hard to set up an account with Zoho - yes, they have a free service level. The "Email tools" module will help you out.

Miniature maps

We had a bunch of requests to have little maps show up for events. That's done now if you enable the "Mapping" module.

Events that happen on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month...

Astonishingly, this has been one of the most popular requests for the platform. Well, it should work now.

Security release

Aside from all the new goodness, the new release also contains lots of upgrades to existing modules, including a security release for Drupal itself. So, you'll probably want to upgrade if you haven't done so already.