DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting

Exciting new features for the Incubator install profile

We're very happy to announce some major new features for the Incubator install profile. These features should be available to all sites using versions 1.0-beta17 and up.

Private content

You can enable the "Private Content" module by going to the "Modules" page in the administrative toolbar.

Once it's enabled, you will see a new checkbox on the form whenever you create or edit content entitled "Make this content private". Selecting that option will restrict access to that piece of content across your entire site.

By default, the setup allows anyone who is logged in to see the content, but advanced site administrators will be able to modify that per role by changing the settings for the permission "Access private content".

Social login

By enabling the "Social Integration" module, you can set it up so that visitors to your site can log in using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, or other accounts with third-party providers. It does take a little work to set it up, since most (if not all) of those services require you to create an app for that purpose. On the plus side, however, it makes logging in to your site so much easier for your visitors, and that can make the difference between a vibrant community and a static brochure-ware site that hasn't been updated for years.

Stay tuned for more social integration to come, as well!

More theme options

Finally, the options available for the Incubator Standard Theme have been greatly expanded. There are seven new color schemes, nine new typography selections, and more! So check them out at Appearance -> Settings -> Incubator Standard.